Tree Pickup Day
Saturday, Nov. 16
Setup Fun Begins With Tree Pickup Day!
Join the group of able-bodied volunteers to head up into the woods to load trees from Weyerhaeuser Forests. Volunteers load trees into large farming dump trucks by walking behind the trucks and handing the trees up to volunteers who stack them. The trees are pre-cut and lying beside the road, so we never need to leave the logging roads.
Volunteers will meet at 8:30 a.m. at a designated area to carpool to the site. Workers should be dressed for cold and wet weather including sturdy work shoes or boots and gloves. Gloves and safety glasses will be available.
Volunteers are taken care of! After the trees have been loaded a sandwich lunch will be provided. Water and snacks will also be provided.
Tree Pickup is limited to 18 people. Families are welcome to volunteer, however those under 16 years of age must have adult supervision.
Pre-registration and scheduling required to participate.
Contact us if you have any questions about volunteering!
Adults: Please turn in a Volunteer Policy and Injury Release to be kept on file in our system. We can provide a copy for you to sign when you arrive if you have not already turned one in.
Minors, which include any volunteers under the age of 18, require a completed Parent/Guardian Release Form.

Thank you National Frozen Foods, Inc. for providing 2 dump trucks for tree pickup day every year!

Weyerhaeuser cuts our trees from young forests during normal thinning operations. Thinning promotes a healthy vigorous forest by removing trees that compete against each other for light, nutrients, and water.

The tree pick up crew carpools to Weyerhaeuser forests and gear up with rain gear and gloves.

This truck is full! Thank you Weyerhaeuser for sharing 13,000 to 15,000 trees with Storybook Land each year to create the wonderland!

Trucks deliver these discarded trees at the fairgrounds to be given a new life as Christmas Trees for all of us to enjoy!
Updated 7-15-2024 Carol Wood